CLICKERZ provides its clients with a wide range of services covering the entire development process. Clients can utilize CLICKERZ for the entire development cycle or only for selected portions that require additional support and consultation. Our services are available on an hourly or project basis (see Rates and Billing).

At CLICKERZ, we draw upon our vast experience to provide our customers with the best possible services. As a custom software development firm, there are no limits on what projects we can undertake. However, most software development efforts require the same basic types of services. Some of the common services available from CLICKERZ include.

System Architecture and Design

Design is often the most critical phase of any software development effort. In many cases, the quality of the finished software is directly proportional to the quality of the initial design. One metaphor is particularly appropriate… Ask yourself this question: What quality of house would you get if you built it with no blueprints? Custom software development is an investment. As with any substantial investment, planning is crucial. However, there is a trade-off. It is possible to over-design. This leads to lost time and money. CLICKERZ has the experience to strike the proper balance.


The key to quality development is sharp people with a well thought-out plan. Good organization allows developers to modularize the development process. This results in rapid implementation of a system that can be easily tested and expanded for future versions. CLICKERZ provides a highly qualified technical staff with years of software development experience.

Project Management

CLICKERZ clients often require additional consulting and managerial support to enhance their in-house development efforts. CLICKERZ is uniquely qualified to provide this vital support. The professionals at CLICKERZ have worked on countless software development efforts, and as a result are well equipped to quickly anticipate and address problem areas on a given project. CLICKERZ can serve as troubleshooters or, if need be, assume management of an entire project.

IT Support and Network Administration

CLICKERZ has IT network professionals familiar with all types of heterogeneous networks. Clients have utilized our services to design, install, and manage their network systems. Some clients have even subcontracted the IT support for their entire office to CLICKERZ.

Testing and Quality Assurance

With our experience in the software development field, CLICKERZ can provide an extremely valuable third-party perspective, when brought in to test/QA another vendor’s software. System testing is fundamental to the quality of any software. Although many developers take short-cuts and settle for only testing their software during development (Alpha-Testing), we at CLICKERZ always encourage our clients to include a distinct testing phase to any software project. This testing phase allows the system to be tested as a completed unit, and is usually done by someone other than the developer. In this manner, additional user feedback on the functionality and usability of the software can be integrated prior to initial release. Completion of the testing phase is accomplished through preliminary use by actual end users of the software in the real world conditions of the client’s site (Beta-Testing).

Feasibility Studies

Prior to committing substantial resources to a given project, often clients want to obtain more data on the obstacles related to successfully completing the project. CLICKERZ team members have experience serving in this “recon” type role. They can quickly and efficiently identify the primary and secondary “hot spots”, then prepare a Feasibility Report for the client. This report contains a ranked list of all the technical, logistical, and managerial problems associated with the proposed project. In addition, it provides preliminary estimates for cost and time.

Technical Documentation and Training Services

CLICKERZ consultants have developed numerous user manuals, reference guides, and introductory training materials to accompany our custom software over the years. This experience has provided us with the ability to quickly generate production quality documents. Rather than hiring technical writers (who are often unfamiliar with the underlying technology) to extract information from developers. CLICKERZ consultants have become so good at this.

Placement and Recruiting Services

Finding just the right person for a challenging technical staff position can be quite difficult. Standard placement services often provide overwhelming lists of “candidates,” however many of the resumes provided to the client firms are seldom worth reviewing. This is because the placement firms are not technical people and therefore cannot properly filter the resumes for the hiring managers. CLICKERZ solves this problem for managers by taking a low volume, high quality approach. With our technical background, we can serve as a front-end filter for managers who don’t want to spend their time reviewing every resume with “C” listed as a language.